Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Think you know American values?

I took a course last year on Cross-Cultural Management from Dr. Kang-Rae Cho at the University of Colorado Denver. It covered all the theories on cross-cultural studies from Hofstede, Trompenaars, Farmer-Richmond etc. But what I found most interesting was the following description of mainstream American cultural values. Like most readers of this blog, my focus is outward towards the rest of the world and not closely examining my fellow Americans. I've also lived outside the country, so I thought I would have known all of these traits. There were a few surprises.

Quick note: as with all cultural descriptions these are generalizations and all traits to not necessarily apply to all Americans and may be more or less pronounced in specific regions of the country:

Mainstream American Cultural Traits
(per Dr. Kang-Rae Cho)

1. A high value on "Material well-being". For some, this can also be materialism.

2. 2-fold judgement based on principle. Think of our Presidential elections and political parties

3. Tendency of moralizing. Americans know what I'm talking about.

4. Distinction between "work" and "play"

5. Special attitude towards time. "Time is money." "Time management", etc.

6. High value on Individual Efforts and Optimism.

7. High value on Individualism and Individual Freedom.

8. When it's man vs. nature, man wins

9. Avoid uncertainty through legal process (courts, contracts, etc.) and goal setting

10. Egalitarianism and Fairness

11. Importance of "belonging" - membership

12. Humanitarianism and generosity

13. Nationalistic and patriotic

14. Religiousity (very religious)

I'll be interested in reading your comments!! - Becky